Thursday, February 14, 2019

Ryan Adams Sexual Misconduct Scandal

Singer/songwriter Ryan Adams has recently been accused of sexual misconduct. As always with ethics scandals (and similar events), we are looking for a Jupiter-to-Pallas transit...  Jupiter for publicity and Pallas for ethics, generally accompanied by a major outer-planet transit which represents a significant change in status.

Transiting Jupiter at 19 Sagittarius is novile Adams' Pallas at 28 Capricorn and septile his progressed Pallas at 9 Aquarius.  

A Uranus-to-Jupiter or similar transit also seems to be a common feature of ethics scandals.  Here we have transiting Uranus at 29 Aries is conjunct his progressed MC at 0 Taurus and septile his Jupiter at 7 Pisces. 

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